From a Rush Limbaugh transcript, April 15:
"Once again here, all of a sudden Hillary is side by side with John Kerry? There are so many possibilities here, I don't know that I have time to go through them all. We could list a couple of them. Probably at the top of the list -- I'm not making this up -- probably the top of the list the Clintons -- look, folks, it does not take a wizard. Ray Charles could see what I see about John Kerry. If I see it, so can the Clintons. Now, if Hillary is to run in 2008, this party's got to survive, they may be thinking now they need to join this just to save the party. To hell with winning anything this year. They may just need to save the party so there's still a foundation from which and on which to run in 2008. There's also the possibility that Hillary wants to be on the VP ticket so that she dispels the notion that the Clintons are sabotaging the campaign and so that she can also go out there and really be the star. She'd be the star because she'll be the one bringing excitement to it. And, by the way, she'll get all kinds of criticism and the Republicans will launch all they've got at her, and she'll endure that. They know that they're pretty confident Kerry is going to lose and if Kerry wins there's always Fort Marcy Park. So they're rolling the dice on this."
As Orcinus and No More Mister Nice Blog point out, Fort Marcy Park is where Vince Foster's body was found. Vince Foster's suicide has been repeatedly alleged by right-wing fruitcakes as a cover-up of a murder -- by Hillary Clinton. So what Rush is saying here is that if Kerry wins, and Hillary is his VP, the Clintons will murder Kerry so she can inherit the presidency.
Now someone please explain to me why it's okay for Rush and his cohorts to make these simply obscene unfounded accusations but Howard Stern is dangerous to the public.
BTW, the title at the top of my browser over Rush's transcript read, "John F---ing Kerry" -- the moral majority at work in all its hypocrisy. Don't SAY the word -- but SPREAD the word.
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