I'm one of those who has been a bit downcast because the most recent polls show GWB not only not losing ground during what is arguably the worst month of his presidency, but actually GAINING on Kerry. It's not because of the polls themselves, however. I know it's a long way until November. What depresses me is what the polls say about Americans. Majorities still believe that Saddam and Al Qaeda were positively linked and that WMD have actually been found in Iraq. Okay, America, if you don't care enough about our nation's future (and the lives of our soldiers) to stay informed, you just might get what you deserve. Too bad your fellow citizens who DO keep informed will go down the tubes along with you.
HOW, for instance, can we not care that the US is forbidden by that $87 billion piece of legislation to do anything about fraud on the part of our contractors? If Halliburton overcharges us by $100 million or a few billion, THEY CAN GET AWAY WITH IT???? And what's this about in the Medicare Prescription Benefit bill FORBIDDING states to negotiate for better drug pricing? In both cases (and there are countless others), it is so obvious as to be painful that the only beneficiaries of either clause are the contractors and the drug companies. And mercury in the water? Who cares if children and babies are brain-damaged as a result? WHAT ABOUT AMERICANS? I would say come on, George, who do you think you're kidding? except for the fact that there are a majority of Americans who just swallow whatever outrage this administration throws at us and bless dear Lord George Bush for taking care of our homosexual and abortion problems and ushering us into the new millennium wherein Israel wil rebuild the temple, good Christian folks will be raptured away from all the problems they're leaving everyone else, and Armageddon will destroy the world, leaving those good folks to rule forevermore.
Remember, I'm a Christian. Nowhere in the Bible can I find a reference to the Father or Jesus telling anyone to just trash the earth and the people on it in expectation that Christ will come and destroy it anyway.
Next time George gets all "patriotic" and holier than thou on us, I wish someone in the press would ask about those special deals and how they make for a better America.
I pray too, George. And I pray you'll be back in Crawford Texas in 2005 to stay. Maybe you'll get what YOU deserve.
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