I have long viewed Ann Coulteras one of the scariest people I have ever seen/heard. But this woman, clearly the closest (she ties with Rush Limbaugh) thing I have seen to an American fascist, is persistently visible on "mainstream" television news programs (so much for the so-called liberal bias). An example of her vitriol:
Coulter on Higher Learning
The nation's colleges and universities have become a Safe Streets program for traitors and lunatics. 6/11/03
Coulter on the Democratic Party
After last week's drubbing in the midterm elections, the Abortion Party (formerly known as the Democratic Party) is looking for direction. 11/14/02
Now that the Bush tax cuts have already started to kick in and boost the economy, it was beginning to look as if the Treason Lobby would have nothing to run on. 11/20/03
The Democratic Party has got to go away. 1/14/03
Coulter on Liberals
The only people whom liberals absolutely refuse to hold accountable for anything are their friends, the Islamofascists. 8/28/03
The myth of "McCarthyism" is the greatest Orwellian fraud of our times. Liberals are fanatical liars, then as now. 6/26/03
Liberals don't care about the environment. The core of environmentalism is a hatred for mankind. 5/29/03
Coulter on Bill Clinton
Clinton also lied every time he said "God bless America," though he doesn't believe in God or America... 7/24/03
Coulter on Traitors
And liberals will continue unabashedly invoking a lie in order to shield their ongoing traitorous behavior. 6/26/03
...Conservatives have not yet persuaded liberals to give up on socialism and treason... 3/13/03
Coulter on Religion
Being nice to people is, in fact, one of the incidental tenets of Christianity (as opposed to other religions whose tenets are more along the lines of "kill everyone who doesn't smell bad and doesn't answer to the name Mohammed.") 3/4/04
The only Democrats who go to church regularly are the ones who plan to run for president someday and are preparing in advance to fake a belief in God. 1/8/04
Coulter on Muslims
We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. 9/14/01
Muslims feel humiliated now? We'll show them humiliated. 6/7/02
Coulter on Muslims and Liberals
Inasmuch as liberals are demanding that Americans ritualistically proclaim, "Islam is a religion of peace," Muslims might do their part by not killing people all the time. 11/28/02
Coulter on Muslims, the French, and Liberals Who Love Them Both
Liberals have finally found a people even more worthy of their admiration than the adulterous French: synagogue-burning, genital-mutilating, terrorist-cheering Muslims. 5/3/02
Coulter on Feminism, Liberals, and Silverware
Liberals persist in thinking about feminism and "women's issues" as if they have something to do with women's interests, rather than the exclusive and rather sigle-minded obsession with sticking forks in babies heads. 8/17/00
Coulter on the Democrats, Terrorists, and Non-Sequiturs
Instead of longing to crush and humiliate the enemy, they believe true patriotism consists of redoubled efforts to expand the welfare state. 6/7/02
Coulter on Compassion and Howard Dean's Brother
Charlie Dean went to Indochina in 1974 to witness the ravages of the war he had opposed. Not long after he arrived, the apparently ungrateful communists captured and killed him. Hey fellas! I'm on your s-- CLUNK! 11/20/03
Coulter on Hateful Ideas
Liberals always hate freedom and want to jam their hateful ideas down the entire nation's throat.
This woman is not an "Average American woman" (is there such a thing?), she's quite possibly a she-demon. She purports to be a Christian, when she shows no evidence of any of the Christian virtues: she's neither chaste (by her own admission), loving, forgiving, or charitable, but is judgmental, full of hate, and an opportunist of the worst sort. I fear she is one of the "goats," and when she tries to justify herself to Christ, she will hear, "I never knew ye."
Her own words and actions will convict (or, unlikely possibility though it is, acquit) her in the hereafter. But meantime, I feel strongly that our society must be protected from her pernicious influence. If you agree, write to the shows that most frequently give a platform -- This Week, Good Morning America, Hardball, Larry King Live, and The Today Show -- and tell them how you feel. If you can identify their sponsors, contact them and convey the same message. I'd look them all up to save you time, but I'm a hard-working executive mother of five, and need some help myself...
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