KERRY ON IMUS...and missing the unemployment benefits extension bill...
Loved John Kerry on Don Imus this morning, with one exception (scroll down). He declared that it was a bogus argument that to replace Don Rumsfeld would hurt the war effort, and named several credible possibilities.
Kerry also showed some humor when the I-man asked him who he was going to pick as a running mate. Kerry replied (not a literal transcript, just my very good memory), "Well Don, I'd consider you if [your wife]Deirdre will release her tax returns." And "Whenever I think of better health care and the elderly, I think of you Don."
Lots of people are having a cow today because Kerry skipped a Senate vote yesterday that went 59-40 in favor of extending unemployment benefits, one shy of the 60 votes needed. When Imus chided him for that, Kerry scoffed, "No way were the Republicans going to allow that to pass, Don. When they do, I'll be there."
Let's put aside whether or not Kerry is right about that -- and he probably is. He's got to get a grip on what perception can do, especially in an election year. I can see right now (and it doesn't take much imagination in view of the instant media coverage of his no-show) a Bush/Cheney 2004 ad showing what a "hypocrite" Kerry is for championing workers and those whose jobs have been lost and then skipping a crucial vote that could have given them some immediate relief.
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