Monday, May 3


One of the things that troubles me about the modern Republican Party is their cult of personality. Have you seen their conventions? Talk about terrifying. All these oxford button down white-folks given their first, and for many of them-only, chance to vent their many repressed emotions until the next congregation in four years. They can scream boy howdy. I'll leave it to you to contemplate the similarities. In the past I've seen this exemplified in the bush memorabilia. It disturbed me the way "they" were plastering his smirking visage all over the popular culture. Then the Bush doll came into my life. Of all the liberal households in America he had to be brought into mine.
So I'm thinkin,"someone in my family supported this?! this..."(choose your own slur). My sister pressed the button at his feet and his oversized head began turning first this way then that, his jaw opened and closed as he spoke,"It isn't the pollution that is harming our environment. It's the impurities in our water and air that are doing it." I started laughing. It was a sickly sort of laugh, since I was still unsure this would turn out well, but I was amused and began to thaw. He next said,"I understand small business growth. I was one." Now I'm really laughin. These are all actual GWShrub quotes. Another was, "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country." But the one that really tore me up,"I know the human and the fish can co-exist peacefully." I almost fell the hell over on that one. But oh no, that wasn't all, )"Verbocity leads to unclear, inarticulate,things.)I stand by all the mis-statements that I have made.) Will the highways of the internet become more few?) Low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.) My tax cut plan is realistic, because it avoids meaningless fifteen-year projections.) I was raised in the west. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to California.In more ways than Washington D.C. is close to California.) I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican.) It's clearly a budget. Its got a lot of numbers in it.) The future will be better tomorrow.) I know how hard it is to put food on your family.) I have made good judgements in the past. I have made good judgements in the future.) If we don't succeed we run the risk of failure.) If there is water that means there is oxygen. If oxygen that means we can breathe.) Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning.") And thank the ever-merciful Lord for it. All those poor children saying "is" in place of "are" until the damage could be set to rights by the hard-working teachers at the school Bush gave his speech at, who also happening to be getting the shaft by Bush's education slash-happy administration. Suffice to say I don't mind if there is a doll out there quoting Bush's idiocy, even if it gives me the same feeling as the monkey with symbols on the cover of Stephen Kings' Skeleton Crew. Freakish creatures the two of em.