Wednesday, May 26


It was always first about oil...

Via a link from Atrios, comes this quote from Midge Decter:

2003 National Humanities Medal winner, Rumsfeld hagiographer and neoconservative beauty queen Midge Decter has never been so lucid:

"We're not in the Middle East to bring sweetness and light to the world. We're there to get something we and our friends in Europe depend on. Namely, oil."
--Decter on the Warren Olney show, 89.9, Los Angeles, 5/21/04

Remember the Robert Redford film Three Days of the Condor? At the end of the picture, CIA honcho Cliff Robertson tells the naive Redford, "When that day comes [when the U.S. needs more foreign oil to continue its heady lifestyle], the people won't want us to ask them -- they'll just want us to get it." In my idealism, I refused to accept that premise. I still do. Yes, we like our lifestyle -- but there are other ways to provide it than by a cynical war under the guise of "liberation of an oppressed people" or a bogus energy bill that glosses over conservation and alternative energy sources in order to champion the status quo and thereby enrich the oil and gas industry.

I believe in America. And as John Kerry is now saying, "Let America be America again."


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