Friday, May 28


Via Sisyphus Shrugged, this New York Times article describes the habits and motivations of some bloggers. Got me to thinking about why I started blogging less than two months ago but have gone at it so hot and heavy ever since.

I've always been a politics junkie, and since the advent of the Web I've been a devotee of on-line news and eventually blogs. I can get pretty crazy about some things I read and drive my family and friends crazy trying to tell them everything they've missed and what my reactions are. It finally dawned on me one day that if I just put my thoughts down it would probably save me time in the long run (fewer repetitious conversations). Also, I felt that sometimes I might have something valuable to add to the public discourse since we all have unique perspectives -- mine being that of a former hippie who's also a Christian, a mother of five married to the same great guy for more than two decades, and a public relations/marketing executive for a Fortune 250 company (I'm the token progressive).

I don't think I'm pathological although I'll admit to an addictive personality. And I'll probably give this up after we elect John Kerry president and I don't feel like throwing my shoe at the TV (or the radio, or my laptop -- I prefer damaging inanimate objects to hurting people). But for now, I'm here.


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