Tuesday, June 15


I've written before about Bush's poor performance as a CEO president -- but this week I'm attending my Fortune 250 company's semi-annual leadership forum and am reminded once more just how poorly suited he is to such an appellation.

For instance, during one session with senior management, our Chairman and CEO emphasized how necessary it is to continually review our operating strategy and make adjustments as needed. It is a vital part of our strategy process and a critical element of our success (our stock price has appreciated nearly 700% over the past ten years as opposed to the 140% appreciation of the S&P 500's).

George W. Bush, on the other hand, believes in never doubting, never questioning, never reviewing.

In addition, our CEO pointed out how valuable it is to obtain the services of outside consultants to periodically evaluate those strategies in the context of our competitive environment, economic projections, and global market forces.

The very insular George W. Bush thinks foreign and domestic policy are best formulated by consulting his cronies in a vacuum of other data.

Our Chief Financial Officer stressed that our appeal to the investment community is in great part due to our emphasis on "predictability, consistency, and transparency" (our company leadership mantra) -- i.e., predictability of financial returns, consistency of results, and transparency (openness, trustworthiness) of operations.

The Bush administration, on the other hand, is defined by unpredictability (not changing one's course because circumstances change, but trying to "put one over" and when they're exposed reversing course and pretending that was what was intended all along), inconsistency (extreme conservatism on social issues, swinging to the opposite extreme on economic matters such as spending and deficits); and, far from "transparent," a reputation as the most secretive (and corrupt) government in American history.

We refer to our company culture as an "accountability culture." W has never taken responsibility for anything in his life and evidently has never been held accountable for his actions by anyone else.

He'd never last a day here.


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