I tend never to take pleasure in another's misfortunes, even when it's someone I don't like. The exception to the rule is when a hypocrite attacks someone else for a failing or trait they themselves possess and then are exposed for it. A good example of this would be during the Clinton impeachment mess, when the Republican attack dogs had a hard time finding a Speaker when one after another prominent Republican Congressman was revealed to have had an extramarital affair or even an illegitimate child by a paramour. Another would be Rush Limbaugh, who excoriated over the years people with addiction problems only to confess to one himself (after he was caught). We can add Bill Bennett to the list. (Isn't it interesting that I can only think of Republicans as examples?)
So this new campaign to slime Kerry as nothing more than "one more rich, privileged Democrat with a fake sense of noblesse oblige" offends me to my core. A person's origins simply do not matter in the eternal scheme of things -- we should, and will, each be judged by our own personal actions and priorities. By that standard, it is Kerry who makes out like a bandit and Bush/Cheney who actually ARE the bandits.
But Democrats defend Kerry, and say Bush, with his man-of-the-people posturing, is the real fake.
"John Kerry has never suggested anything other than the fact that he comes from a privileged background," Cabrera said. "But he's also made it clear that that puts a certain responsibility on his shoulders. John Kerry had this background when he went to Vietnam and made the decision to run for public office. Most importantly, despite John Kerry's background, he has been focused on the needs of others."
Cabrera said not only are Bush and Cheney rich, but they've surrounded themselves with people who are almost all super wealthy.
If you want to play political video games, I suggest Republican Survivor instead. I love what they've done to Katharine Harris and Ann Coulter.
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