Monday, June 7


Gore continues to blast Bush:

Gore said responsibility for the treatment of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison could be traced back to the highest levels of the administration.

"The abuse of those prisoners came directly from the abuse of the truth in the run-up to the war," he said.

He also said the White House has granted corporate interests unrestricted and secret influence on energy, environmental and foreign policies.

"This is wrong, it's anti-democratic. It's anti-American and we ought not to stand for it," he said.
State Republican Party Chairman Chris Vance said Gore's criticism of the Bush administration is foolhardy.

"I think that ultimately the Democrats' anger is going to be their undoing," Vance said. "The more they yell and scream, the better for us. The majority of the American people are not as angry as these liberal Democrats are. They aren't angry at all."

Oh yeah? My mother-in-law, a born-and-raised Texan and lifelong Republican told my husband a story on Memorial Day that we couldn't believe.

Having been a donor to Republican causes for the past 40 years, she received a call a couple of weeks ago from the GOP asking if they could expect her usual donation. "I don't think so," she replied.

"Well," the caller seemed taken aback, "you are going to vote for president Bush, aren't you?"

"After what he's done to my country, I'd have to be CRAZY to vote for him," she stated. The caller abruptly hung up.

Now if my conservative mother-in-law feels that way (and she's never deviated from the Republican cause for one moment in her 79 years), the pResident has a problem. She sure sounded angry to me.


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