Sunday, August 1


Tim Russert took Senator Zell Miller (D-GA, only the GA Democratic Party has "divorced" him) down the same easy interview path that he customarily extends to Republicans. It was amusing, really. Tim's only good comeback, after Miller excoriated Kerry/Edwards on national security votes, was to point out that Zell has pretty much the same voting record as Kerry/Edwards on those matters. And he was oh! so timid and apologetic in tone for even bringing it up. Miller's response was revealing: he didn't vote against the Constitutional Amendments defining marriage and banning flag burning! Evidently the real source of his anger is that the liberal tag Republicans have hung on Democrats prevents Georgia Democrats from winning state races (his sentiment, not mine). Miller accused the Democrats of no longer being the "big tent" party because "they don't tolerate opposing voices," citing once again the long-debunked incident of late Governor Bob Casey "not being allowed to speak at the '92 Democratic convention" because he opposed abortion. As informed readers will remember, Casey was barred because he refused to endorse the Clinton/Gore ticket. Naturally, Little Russ let the erroneous statement stand without challenge.


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