Tuesday, September 28


If "security moms" and other Americans think Bush will be a better leader in the fight against terrorism, they need to be reminded of what the professionals think:

.Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry today received the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers (IBPO), the only major national police organization to back the winner of the last three Presidential...

Kerry Receives Endorsements of Senator Bob Graham, Senator Bill Nelson and International Union of Police Associations For Immediate Release Today at a town hall meeting in Orlando, Democratic candidate for President John Kerry...

John Kerry Receives Endorsement of International Association of EMT’s and Paramedics For Immediate Release Fighting the Bioterrorist Threat Read the Fact Sheet [pdf] Continuing his 11-day focus on building a stronger, more...

John Kerry receives the endorsement of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers. Photographer: Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc. from Sharon Farmer Previous Other Sizes: Large | Hi-Res Next Printer Friendly Version Forw...

Receives Endorsement of the National Association of Police Organizations For Immediate Release Keeping America’s Families Safe, Getting Tough with Crime read the fact sheet With the president today standing...

The National Coalition of Public Safety Officers (NCPSO) today announced their endorsement of United States Senator John Kerry for President of the United States. “President Bush has misled cops on Homeland Security. After 9-11,...

12 Generals and Admirals Endorse John Kerry...The endorsement comes on the day the convention is focused on the Kerry-Edwards plan to make a stronger, more secure America. General John Shalikashvili (Ret.) will speak at the Convention on Wednesday evening and be introduced by...

UPDATE: How could I have left out the International Association of Firefighters?


Blogger JoshSN said...

I think Bush is the worst President in American history, and I was going to make a point that people might not be surprised that the Unions endoresed the Democrat, but I'm not sure the hypothetical "security moms" are that clued in.

2:24 PM  
Blogger Motherlode said...

I think you're right, Josh, and that's my point. Bush gets photo ops in individual fire and police stations and it looks to the average "security mom" that they favor his candidacy, but it's actually John Kerry who has gotten endorsements from every major first-responder organization. We need to get that message out NOW, don't you think?

3:10 PM  
Blogger Silmarill said...

Man do you republicans have to have EVERYTHING explained to you? I guess since the only guy ya'll could put up for the WH is an idiot, it shouldn't surprise me so much that he represents the intellectual top 1% of the republican party. Let me break it down for you. And I'll use small words so you're sure to understand.
KERRY: “Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who deserves his own special place in hell. But that was not, that was not in and of itself, a reason to go to war. The satisfaction – The satisfaction that we take in his downfall does not hide this fact: we have traded a dictator for a chaos that has left America less secure.”

Simple enough for the unsimple-minded. The Iraq of today w/out Saddam is more of a threat to US security than the previous Iraq with him. Too true. See Dick and Jane living in a secular Iraq under a tyrant(Saddam in case I've lost you already)That was then. Now see Dick and Jane living in an Iraq infested with Islamic terrorists. These are the guys actually responsible for Setember 11th. I know you can't tell the difference, but what do you expect when you have no understanding of the threat facing the United States? When you cannot tell the difference between the truth and lies? Your ignorance inspires almost as much pity as anger. Bush turned a relatively benign threat to US national security into a haven for the bastards responsible for killing 2,792 American civilians on September the 11th. He turned Iraq into a mass grave for over a thousand American soldiers, between fifteen and twenty thousand Iraqi civilians, and in the process Bush strengthened Al-Qaeda and allowed Osama Bin Laden to escape. Starting to make sense? I didn't think so. No amount of truth and reason can enlighten an idealogue with a faith-based perception.

KERRY: "Those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe we are not safer with his capture, don’t have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be elected president."

Just as easily understood, when one does not lack the capacity. This statement was made before the Bush policies in Iraq had time to turn that sad land into hell on earth. If you look closely, which I don't count on you being capable of, you'll notice John Kerry merely said that the US is better off and safer with Saddam out of power. This is true of course. But only as long as one does not take into account everything that has happened since the early days of the war. The facts on the ground that perpetually annoy the Bush spin artists and everone doing their best to pretend it's all good. Kerry then went on to say that anyone who said differently lacked the credibility to be POTUS. Well of course it's better to have Saddam out of power than in. Duh. The question today, not 9 months ago when Iraq was not yet in full flame, is whether America is safer with a dictator in Iraq out of power regardless of what is happening in Iraq, or whether America would be safer if we had not turned that secular land into a breeding/recruiting Mecca for Islamic terrorism. Some of us(Democrats) are in possession of the knowledge that Osama bin Laden and Islamic terrorism were responsible for September 11,
and for us rational beings that means the less terrorists there are in the world the better off we are. Bush has only made Islamic terrorism stronger, while simultaneously managing to let the man most responsible for the worst attack on American soil in history to walk away and plan attacks another day. How many more plans has he hatched in the last 4 yrs while Bush let him live? We'll have to wait and see. And with Bush in office we undoubtedly will. As to your professed intent not to return to this site I can well understand your motivation. If you spent too much time around truth it would destroy your small-minded world view. For goodness sake it would change your life! What does it matter that it would be for the better? It would demand that you admit to yourself how flawed is all that you so foolishly believed. Un-acceptable. Not easy on your heart and soul. Not expected from a fool. Have a wonderful day!

12:26 AM  

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