Saturday, April 9


To my mom, sisters, five kids and assorted other relatives and friends:

This has been a week to remember. Ten days after my husband's heart attack, I assumed my new position as Director of Communication Services (I was formerly Director of Corporate Marketing, but my boss and title were recently changed) and was immediately thrown a dozen immediate assignments in addition to my long-time responsibilities for our Fortune 200 company's web site, intranet, film and video production, and creative services for special events. Thank goodness my mother-in-law was visiting us to watch over The Sage, since I was later than usual coming home each night. When I'd arrive I'd spend a couple of hours researching and testing recipes to spice up his now extremely limited and bland diet. We'd eat around 8:30 p.m. and then I'd prepare his lunches for the next day. Around 10:30 I'd finally have a chance to sit beside him and hold his hand while we watched a movie. Most nights I almost immediately fell asleep before the TV -- one night he went to bed, leaving me asleep on the couch (I woke at 3 a.m. with grooves embedded in my feet from where they were propped on the coffee table). Did I forget to mention the kids arriving every evening to check on their dad and expecting me to feed them something reminiscent of my old Southern-fried cooking and not fat- and cholesterol-free? Oh yes, and on Tuesday evening I had two teeth extracted and a temporary bridge put in place that cut into my gums so badly I couldn't talk the next day without a great deal of pain (I had it cut down the next evening).

It's only in the wee hours of the morning that I've been able to steal a glance at the news, typing out short posts to later be posted during work hours when my printer is busy. Mama, I know you say you depend upon me to keep you informed about current events -- but the most important events these days seem to be occurring in my own life, so the best I can do is point you to a few news stories. The commentary, which takes more time and thought, will have to wait until God creates a few more hours in the day.


Blogger Xpatriated Texan said...

God bless all of you and best wishes for a speedy recovery for your husband.


7:28 PM  
Blogger Motherlode said...

Thanks, XT. That means a great deal to us.

12:26 AM  

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