Wednesday, April 6


An e-mail I just received from the Dallas chapter of International Association of Business Communicators (I'm a member):

Regardless of where you stand on politics, 2004 was a fascinating year for political communication -- and communication in genereal. Dallas/IABC is fortunate to have two nationally recognized experts on political communication take on the topic -- Jennifer Webster is President of The Webster Group, a Houston-based political consulting firm that provided media planning and message coordination for the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, and Dr. Rita Kirk is Chair of the Ddivision of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs at SMU, who recently conducted an extensive examination of blogs during last year's campaign. Both will look at practical ideas corporate communicators can learn from the messaging tactics of the left and the right.

I've already made my reservation (it's next week, the 12th). I can't find anything on Dr. Kirk's study of blogs, but I'll keep trying -- I have some connections at SMU.

Any suggestions for questions for Webster? We always have a rather robust Q&A after the speaker is finished, and I expect it'll be the same at this meeting.

If I hear anything interesting, I'll be sure to report it. I just HAPPEN to have a brand-new tiny recorder.


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