Tuesday, June 28


Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) writing about the pedophile priests scandal in the Catholic Church and blaming it on liberals:

It is startling that those in the media and academia appear most disturbed by this aberrant behavior, since they have zealously promoted moral relativism by sanctioning "private" moral matters such as alternative lifestyles. Priests, like all of us, are affected by culture. When the culture is sick, every element in it becomes infected. While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.

The whole thing is such an egregious example of mushy, florid writing and thinking that by the end of it I had nearly lost my outrage at the paragraph above in my pity for this idiot.

But not quite. Let's take another scandal, that of the Air Force Academy ignoring or covering up charges by female cadets of rape and sexual assault by their male classmates. It's a story that is getting hotter, and very quickly on the heels of charges of widespread Christian proselytizing and harassment of non-Christian cadets at the Academy and its subsequent removal of a chaplain who confirmed those charges. Let's take these two situations and see if we can conflate them as well as Santorum did pedophilia and liberalism.

Santorum: priestly pedophilia = big problem in Boston area (liberal domain), ergo liberalism causes pedophilia
Me: rape and sexual assault = big problem at AF Academy (Christian domain), ergo Christianity causes rape and sexual assault.

Is there anything wrong with my parallel reasoning?


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