One of the most despicable things about BushCo policies are the way they aretearing us apart.
Coming on the eve of a holiday more commonly associated with parades and quiet remembrance, the arrests were made at a 6 p.m. showdown at Veterans Memorial Park, when protesters -- a mixture of veterans and non-veterans -- delivered on their threat to rip up 2,000 white flags placed there to commemorate America's war dead in Iraq.
"I'm saddened that it has come to this, but I have a responsibility to maintain public safety," said Police Chief John Morris, a Vietnam veteran. "Veterans don't behave like that. These people don't have a right to destroy other people's property. Legitimate veterans' organizations don't commit civil disobedience. Veterans died to allow freedom to exist -- whether we like the message or not. "
I'm reminded of the 1968 presidential campaign, when at a Nixon rally a teenager held up a sign that read, "Bring us together." The nation was being torn asunder by the Vietnam conflict, much like the national unity that existed subsequent to 9/11 has been destroyed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
In my years on this earth I have observed that wars have divided the American people more than any other issue or event (although racism vs. the civil rights movement ranks right up there). When I say "wars" I refer to wars of choice, or "prevention" as opposed to a war truly thrust upon us by an attack upon our territory such as WWII. What politicians seldom seem to understand (or maybe, terribly, they do) is that once emotions are exploited and exploded by such divisions, it is very difficult and takes years for the American psyche to heal.
Where is the candidate who can heal us, now that veterans and their families have been pitted against one another?
It can only be a veteran, I would think, someone whom both sides can believe understands and sympathizes with their pain. Maybe it's time for a Wesley Clark presidency after all.
Tags: Wesley Clark, war, veterans
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