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From the Christian Alliance for Progress:
"Martha was blind until four years ago, when Medicaid paid for her to have a corneal transplant. For the first time in her life she could see. Now she has a job. But with recent cuts in funding, Martha has lost her Medicaid. She can no longer afford the anti-rejection medicine she must take daily because of her transplant. And without the medicine she will slowly go blind."
In her column on "The Real State of the Union," Melynda Wilcox points out that "Planned Medicaid cuts at the state level will take away coverage for more than half a million people."
For Martha, it is too late. Reductions affecting her have already come down. But on behalf of millions of others, we have one more chance to protest the cuts still pending before Congress.
The Budget Reconciliation bill is scheduled for a vote on February 1, 2006. Call your U.S. Representative toll-free at 800-426-8073 starting January 23. This number will connect you to the Capitol switchboard. The person at the switchboard can connect you to your Representative's office, and if you're not sure who your Representative is, they can figure it out for you.
Please take this last chance to tell your representative:
Don't Choose Special Interests Over Families!
Vote Against The Budget Cut Bill!
Tags: budget cuts, budget reconciliation bill
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