Wednesday, March 29


Big surprise. Chris Matthews thinks there is a campaign against religion in this country.

It's been Tony Perkins (of the Family Research Council) v. Al Sharpton on Hardball debating that very issue. (I'm editing a script at the same time I'm half-listening. But certain statements/exchanges got my attention from time to time.)

Tweety shows footage of a recent huge religious right convocation. Tom DeLay is introduced (he's the keynote speaker) as someone who is being persecuted because he took a stand for Jesus. DeLay is then shown in clips of his speech, which includes several allusions to his being persecuted for the faith. Back to Chris and guests.

Everybody indicates obliquely that when we talk about a campaign against religion, we're really talking about Christianity.

Tony's idea of a war on Christians is that the ACLU through the courts (read: "activist judges") has deprived said Christians from their God-given right to impose their religion on the state, for instance in the form of religious displays on public property, invocation of their religion in school and civic ceremonies, public school-endorsed Christian prayers in class, etc.

Al says it's important to unlink the words "religious" and "right-wing." Progressive Christians have always supported policies that were inspired by their beliefs. No-one agrees with Jesus more than Al. It's a shame and a disgrace that these (implied) so-called Christians would represent DeLay, or choose to be represented by him, his legal problems have nothing to do with his so-called Christianity.

Tony says he believes DeLay was made a target because he's a Christian (hedging in case DeLay is convicted and disgraced), but his legal difficulties are a separate matter he can't... you know.

Blah blah blah.]

Chris closes by saying he definitely thinks there's a campaign against religion. And he's sure Al would agree with him except for the partisan part.

Tony is trying for a humble-but-gratified look. As an actor, he's not bad. Ugh.



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