Wednesday, April 19


"Lock him away to stop the next war."

WE cannot wait any longer for the impeachment of George W. Bush. Far more efficient to have Bush certified. There is no need for further debate on his mental state. The US President is bonkers.
Having turned the White House into a madhouse, having taken more lunatic positions on more issues than any head of state since GeorgeIII (are they, perchance, related?). GWB needs a long rest and a change of medication. And it shouldn't be too hard to guide him into a padded cell. Just tell him it's the presidential bomb shelter.
Bush is attempting to hose things down, but the world recalls his endlessly repeated mantra before the invasion of Iraq. Military intervention wasn't inevitable, just an option.

Now bleeding in the polls with mid-term elections looming, isn't it possible that Bush might go for broke? Double or nothing? A final, desperate throw of the dice?

Condoleezza Rice might join the Pentagon in trying to talk him down. So, one hopes, would Tony Blair and John Howard. But did Bush listen to reasoned argument last time? With a reckless, irrational President, you've the perfect set-up for the tail to wag the dog. As with 9/11, here's an opportunity for reality to follow a Hollywood script.

Last week I discussed this scenario with Fukuyama. His initial response was that Bush's political situation is too perilous for such a tactic, that the US public and its media wouldn't tolerate another Iraq. But bombing Iran's nuclear facilities could be characterised as surgical. It might not need troops on the ground and would certainly seem more relevant to the war on terror than the neo-con adventure in Iraq. Fukuyama conceded that such a strategy was possible.

And that possibility is more than enough. A lame-duck President with the eagle as his symbol once again takes the role of hawk. With his presidency a total mess, what's there to lose? So it's time to certify the President. Yes, you'd have to certify his equally deranged Vice-President as well. And toss in Rumsfeld to keep them company. Along with anyone else in the administration, the Congress, the Senate or the Australian parliament mad enough to think Iraq a sane decision.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How disappointing. A photo-shopped picture of *our* President and a one-sided *rant* comprises "news" here?

I had previously held hope that your "progressive" blog held some hint of intellectual discourse. It appears I was mistaken--I could have found trash like this at any number of moonbat sites.

10:20 AM  
Blogger Motherlode said...

Hey buddy, this is my blog, and I use it to communicate with my friends and family, and sometimes to amuse. I've never represented myself or my blog as a news source, but as commentary. If you don't like it, don't tune in.

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No problem--I'll take my leave. I find the photo-shopped picture degrading. You're welcome to disagree with policies, but you come off as an immature *punk* when you sink to the level of that photo. You're kidding yourself if you call that "commentary".

But by all means, keep up the good work. Sites such as yours (and the larger ones that hold the same level of childish discourse) remind Joe and Mary Sixpack on a daily basis that the left is largely unable to address the issues of the day with any sort of seriousness. That adds up to votes that go to the other side. With any luck, sites such as yours and Kos and company will continue ensuring that the left loses elections for the better part of the 21st century.

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find the photo-shopped picture degrading.
I find the fact that you are more interested in whether a picture degrades the worst president of all time than you are in the damage he has done to a country you evidently care deeply about, even if you don't have the maturity of mind to understand how to love it well, more than just disapointing. Have you no priorities?

I find the photo-shopped picture degrading. You're welcome to disagree with policies, but you come off as an immature *punk* when you sink to the level of that photo. You're kidding yourself if you call that "commentary".

You have little insight if you don't think a political cartoon is commentary. Helloooo? Anyone home McFly? The picture of Bush shows what he would look like if form followed state of mind. That was exactly what the post was about. By the by, if it helps you, and it seems you need a little, think of Nomoreapples as an editorial page. It's what the publishers think.

But by all means, keep up the good work. Sites such as yours (and the larger ones that hold the same level of childish discourse) remind Joe and Mary Sixpack on a daily basis that the left is largely unable to address the issues of the day with any sort of seriousness.

Sometimes serious and sometimes not. Whole individuals are like that. To generalize all liberal/progressive solutions to the problems facing the American people, including those caused by the perpetual failure of Republican philosophy in action, on the basis of one post on one blog is fairly foolish and smacks of the dogmatic mindset strangling the thought processes of modern "Republicant's".

That adds up to votes that go to the other side. Sorry crusader. You already HAVE those votes. What pleases me is that the POTUS is polling at 33% This represents votes that are up for grabs and THAT is what adds up to votes for OUR side.

With any luck, sites such as yours and Kos and company will continue ensuring that the left loses elections for the better part of the 21st century.

Did you sleep through every psychology class? If you believe sites such as ours cause people to vote for your side you are quite sorrowfully mistaken. I admit the Far Right is exceptionally adept at influencing the American public through fear of enemies real and imagined and disdain and derision for those with different or better beliefs, ideas, and solutions, but the fact remains that results settle all arguments in the end and Republican are incapable of producing them because their philosophies are so flawed. They cannot work. When they make a big enough mess, as they inevitably will, they'll be voted out. You can only lie and be inept for so long before the American majority holds you responsible. Gotta love this country. Peace.

2:20 PM  

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