Michael Medved on his radio talk show today gave evidence of one of the most pervasive philosophies in America today: that national patriotism trumps religion, and thus becomes a religion itself.
Medved awarded his "Call of the Day" encomium to a call from an American Muslim, Hasim, who suggested that the Israeli Knesset (or representatives thereof) and the U.S. government open talks with the World Council of Imams to prevent a worldwide call for jihad by the Imams. Medved asked Hasim what he would do if the Imams called for a jihad that demanded Muslims turn on their country and family. Hasim judiciously said he would seek counsel from the Koran to determine if they were correct. But, he said, even if he concluded that it was, he could not say that he would actually be ABLE to fight his nation and his family. Michael asked if such a thing occurred, if it wouldn't make Hasim question the validity of his religion. Hasim demurred, while still maintaining, honestly and humbly, that he didn't know if he would be able to summon the will to do what he was commanded to do.
Medved concluded the segment by insisting that NO Christian or Jew would respond to a so-called call from God to turn on one's nation or family, that such a thing would cause them to deny their faith. He implied that that's the difference between rational believers in Christianity and Judaism as opposed to fanatic believers in Islam.
That's interesting. I can't speak for those of the Jewish faith (I'd have to check with my two Jewish daughters), but I can state with confidence that in the Old Testament God spoke very skeptically about nations and warned his people against demanding an earthly government lest their leaders command their children into serving in wars, etc., advising them to trust in and follow him rather than a secular government. In the New Testament Christ specifically told his followers that their faith would require them to part from their families, and though he offered the oft-quoted and misrepresented, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's," it is generally acknowledged by Biblical scholars that his meaning was something to the effect of, pay your taxes and obey the laws of the government, but only where they do not conflict with the commandments of God, which always take precedence.
So Michael, as a Christian, it is my conviction that if I believed God was telling me to oppose my nation or my family, it would behoove me to do just that. Like Hasim, the question is whether my faith would be great enough to cause me to actually do it. I guess that makes me no different than any Muslim, huh? So much for your argument, smug Michael.
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