So there's a conflict among conservatives? Andrew Sullivan opines:
So, suddenly, the neoconservatives found themselves in the position of having fought a war to construct a democratic polity in Iraq ... only for that polity to join Iran and Syria in condemning democratic Israel. The circle closed, and the irony was airtight.
Sully also says:
"Conservatives who believe in limited government and balanced budgets have long since abandoned the Bush administration over its massive spending and contempt for any checks on presidential prerogatives.
"Conservatives who cherish individual liberty have lost faith in an administration that has wire-tapped Americans without warrants, tortured military prisoners and violated the ancient Anglo-American principle of due process and the rule of law.
"Conservatives who believe in political moderation and secularism have long abandoned a Republican party controlled by religious fanatics.
"Now, more conservatives are rebelling against neocon over-reach and fanaticism in foreign policy as well. They want to fight Islamist terror -- but prudently, carefully and with attention to past failures and new nuances.
"A new front has indeed opened up in this war: and it's a battle for the soul of Anglo-American conservatism. I have a feeling that, as the race for the Republican nomination remains wide open, that debate has only just begun."
Well, my company leadership is populated with many "conservatives," and since I'm the token progressive/Democrat, they often seek me out for political discussions. Yes, they echo many or all of Sully's sentiments, but without exception so far, they still intend to vote straight Republican. It's as if, despite their reservations and criticisms of this administration, they so viscerally fear Democratic leadership they don't see any recourse to the Bush/neocon agenda except for a revolution among the Republican Party. The Democrats don't present any viable alternative to them. So despite their views and fears, they will stick with the devil they know.
Tags: conflict among conservatives
LOL. That my friends is a big steaming pile of cow crap. The will to freedom? Seriously my sides ache. One of the most comical, and scariest, things about the richest 2% and the pathetic minions and fools who follow them is their ability to look themselves in the mirror and anyone else in the eye with a completely straight face and say that their goals of achieving absolute economic and military power in the world is not for its own sake, but for the sake of the world. It's not so we can become more rich and's so we can spread democracy. Rationalization gone insane. Children with the materials to destroy mankind. Fools with the power of gods. How sad for the world.
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