Listened to part of Dallas radio 570 KLIF's "Smackdown" event on my commute home yesterday. It was actually pretty funny, Alan Colmes versus wingnuts Darrell Ankarlo, Greg Knapp and Glenn Beck. I must say, Colmes did very well considering it was three against one, and he has the softest voice. I did grind my teeth on more than one occasion when he was speaking, but overall, not bad. Glenn Beck was mean-spirited, loud and boorish. Greg Knapp was "moderator" and actually tried a little moderating. Ankarlo was his usual up-and-down self, one minute almost charming, the next 15 trying to use volume alone to overcome his opponent.
Colmes held his own not because the other guys were generous enough to give him a chance to balance the arguments. They weren't. He used their brief pauses for breath to great effect, such as when Glenn Beck screamed, "Republicans believe in something, Democrats believe in NOTHING," Colmes came right back with, "We believe in something, Glenn, and you know it. Just because we don't agree with YOU doesn't mean we believe in nothing," not a memorable or profound statement, but at least it reverberated out there in the audience along with Beck's attempt to foster another conservative mantra. (If Colmes could play with these guys, why can't he do better with Sean Hannity, who is not nearly as well informed -- or misinformed -- or articulate as any one of the three?)
Why is it, lately, that all programs feature a 3-to-1 conservative advantage? I realize this event was sponsored by a conservative radio talk show, but the percentages seem to hold true on CNN, MSNBC, NPR and PBS as well.
Switched during commercial to Michael Savage, whom I almost NEVER listen to, and was shocked at his diatribe against Bush and the Republicans for getting us into this awful war and then not supporting our fighting men and women. He was particularly enraged at Bush's failure to rescue Marine Corps 2nd Lt. Ilario Pantano, who could face the death penalty if convicted of charges of premeditated murder made against him last week. (He shot two unarmed Iraqis during a mission.)
Savage was railing against a whole host of Bush/Repug policies, his bottom line being that at least with the demonic, traitorous Democrats you know what they'll do, whereas the Repugs say one thing and do another. He was very obviously depressed, talking about how he might not be doing his show any longer since he's not making a difference and has no power to affect the course of the administration. A caller commiserated with him, he's turned against Bush, etc. For a brief moment of naivete, I thought, If the Repugs lose these guys -- it took about a micro-second for me to shut off the thought. They hate and despise Democrats. Where else are they going to go? They may rant and rave about conservatives being betrayed by Republicans, but in the end, that's where their votes will go.