What do Bush and Kim Jong-il have in common? Way too much.
"Adam ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It's a shame we ran out of apples." -- The Sage.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." -- John Kenneth Galbraith
"Reality has a liberal bias." -- Stephen Colbert
We are proud members of the resistance.
Like Uggabugga, I really like this message board post. It makes a critically important point that is completely overlooked in the lazy mainstream media, and deliberately so by the administration:
What fun. Nannygoat and the Professor.
I've been meaning for several days to link to this post by Easter Lemming's Gary Denton, which has a link to a .pdf that offers a serious challenge to the legitimacy of our recent presidential election. It's hard to dissuade me from the conviction that, just as in 2000, we were had. Besides widely reported episodes of voter intimidation, I'm convinced that voting machines themselves were the primary source of the fraud.
Noble ideals, nasty actions:
E.J. Dionne on our lying, greedy scumbag of a Resident:
Bush Budget Calls for Cuts in Health Services:
Digby has a suggestion:
When denigrating the Bush economy and plans to "reform" the IRS and Social Security, we progressives usually count on average American income earners to be our greatest partners in the move to counter Bush economic policies.
There's more than meets the eye to the most moving moment of the SOTU address:
Senior Marine Corps General says, "It's fun to shoot some people."
Gonzales is confirmed as Attorney General.
William Saletan on President Bush's cognitive dissonance.
Call me a bit cynical about Bush's sudden concern for at-risk youths and justice in death-penalty cases
They're beginning to sound a lot like "the opposition party":
Bush's "personal accounts" not quite personal.
I am, reluctantly, watching belatedly the SOTU. God help us. The Democrats are standing up, with the Republicans, on many applause moments. What are they thinking?
Just heard Dennis Kucinich absolutely shut Sean Hannity DOWN. I have NEVER heard any guest perform so well, especially in response to Hannity's standard and puerile, "Answer me this question. Are we better off with Saddam gone?" (That's Sean's punchline to any argument he isn't winning.)
Glimpses of past Bush SOTU speeches, courtesy of The Dallas Morning News, with some editorializing by yours truly:
Our "Rumsfeld Rag" is in the Koufax Awards semi-finals in the category "Most Humorous Post."
Dominance on GOP Agenda: Depriving Democrats of voters and money is among White House policies' other aims.
This article is priceless:
Show us the jobs:
Oh puh-leeeze!!! Seems the Virginia legislature has tentatively approved a new license plate motto:
Having read several articles in the past couple of days about how the Hispanic/Latino communities support Alberto Gonzalese' nomination as Attorney General, I got to thinking what kind of message this sends to minorities, the underprivileged and the disenfranchised. To me it says simply, play ball with the powerful, rent out your integrity, and you will be rewarded. That's not the "inspiring" personal story usually associated with Gonzales' upward rise. Sure I acknowledge that he came from poverty and deprivation, but let's face it, he was born smart (no credit to him) and received a full scholarship to Harvard, benefitting from the very move towards diversity in universities and the business community that his Bush cronies would now like to deny to others. But what do we mean by "lift up"? It seems to me the media refers almost exclusively to financial and social advancement. What, exactly, is "inspiring" about that?
This is scary stuff.
FDR's grandson on Bush's Social Security privatization scheme:
A friend who does some work for Ann Coulter just brought me her book "Treason" autographed by the demon lady herself and inscribed, "To ------, enjoy the invective!" (She knows I'm a progressive Democrat.)